Previs - A WebGL volume, mesh and pointcloud renderer and gateway to the Monash CAVE2

Platforms: Linux, MacOS

Built with: Node.js, python, potree, sharevol, ThreeJS, Angular5, Firebase

This is a service provided by MIVP to Monash University staff and affiliates. It provides a way to upload volumetric data, meshes or pointclouds, visualise the data and change display settings on a web page, and then allows people to visualise the volumes, meshes and pointclouds in the Monash CAVE2.


Upload page

Upload page

Preview uploaded data

Preview uploaded data

WebGL volume viewer and change settings (sharevol)

WebGL volume viewer and change settings (sharevol)

WebGL mesh viewer

WebGL mesh viewer

WebGL potree pointcloud viewer

WebGL potree pointcloud viewer
